- Nature, Origin and Basis of International Law
- Material Source of International Law
- Subjects of International Law
- Relation between International State law
- States in General
- Recognition
- State Territorial Sovereignty
- State Jurisdiction
- State Responsibility
- Succession to Rights and obligation
- The State and the individual
- The State and the Economic Interest
- Diplomatic Envoys, Councils and other representatives
- The Law and Practice as to Treaties
- The International +Disputes
- War, Armed Conflicts and other Hostilities
- Neutrality
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Institute including international Criminal Court
- Principles of public International Law by Brownie,
- International Law by Oppenheiun , Vol.I & II Edited by H. Lauter Pacht
- Introduction to International Law by J G Strake.
- Law of Nations, Brierly, J L.
- International aw by Schwazanberger
- International Law by Tandon
- International Law by DH Harris.
- International Humanitarian Law- A compilation of selected Texts by ICRC-Pakistan
- International Institutions by D W Bowett.
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