Thursday, February 18, 2016
- How does tort different from contract and crime?
- Who can’t sue and be sued?
- What is Difference between injury and damage?
- What is the Difference between public and private nuisance and what are remedies.
- What is essential to be established in an action for damages for deceit?
- What is case between Ashby-v-White?
- General defenses which are available in an action for tort.
- What is vicarious liability?
- Differences between “Assault”, “Battery”, and “Mayhem”.
- Fair comment and trust as defence to an action of defamation.
- What is negligence?
- What is case between Shart-v-Powel?
- Discuss Accord and Satisfaction.
- What is trespass to land and remedies?
- What should be proved to recover damages from malicious prosecution?
- Motive and torts.
- What is legal injury, definition of trot?
- Contributory negligence.
- Who can sue and be sued?
- False imprisonment and defence.
- Three kinds of damages, definition, and explanation.
- Different kinds of easement.
- What is licence and ingredients?
- Torts and defence.
- Who may impose easement?
- How is an easement extinguished?
- Liability of master for wrong act of his employee.
- What rights can be acquired by prescriptions?
- How is a tort discharged?
- Malicious prosecution.
- When contributory negligence is defence?
- Justification and discharge of torts.
- Slander of title.
- Personal rights of action lie with the death of a person.
- Different remedies in tort.
- What is strict liability?
- Notes On: Slander, Libel, Mayhem, Illegal confinement, Inuria sine demnum, demnum sine injuria, act of traspass and defences thereto, maintenance and chemprety, ubi jus ibie remedum
- Cases: Mayor-v-Pickles. Pylands-v-Flecther.
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